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The page ポルトガル生まれの10犬種 is copyright 2002-2025 Wanwans. All Rights Reserved.


The page ポルトガル生まれの10犬種 contains the following third party copyrights. Please contact the copyright holder directly if you would like to licence their works.

Creative Commons Image Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bionicteaching

At the time of upload the site http://www.flickr.com indicated this image was released under a CC licence. For details of the licence please see:


Creative Commons Image Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/50923511@N02

At the time of upload the site http://www.flickr.com indicated this image was released under a CC licence. For details of the licence please see:


Andre Heuzer, CC BY-SA 3.0

This image was uploaded by edward and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Barbado da Terceira male


This image was uploaded by mark and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:

Creative Commons Image Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/43789968@N05

At the time of upload the site http://www.flickr.com indicated this image was released under a CC licence. For details of the licence please see:


Creative Commons Image Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/asw909

At the time of upload the site http://www.flickr.com indicated this image was released under a CC licence. For details of the licence please see:


Canarian, CC BY-SA 4.0

This image was uploaded by harry and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:

Pleple2000, CC BY-SA 3.0

This image was uploaded by edward and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Owczarek portugalski gowa pl

This image was uploaded by kai and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Rafeiro male

Rui Teixeira, CC BY-SA 3.0

This image was uploaded by echoecho and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Droll Drop da Casa da Praia

Creative Commons Image Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bionicteaching

At the time of upload the site http://www.flickr.com indicated this image was released under a CC licence. For details of the licence please see:


Creative Commons Image Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/50923511@N02

At the time of upload the site http://www.flickr.com indicated this image was released under a CC licence. For details of the licence please see:


Andre Heuzer, CC BY-SA 3.0

This image was uploaded by edward and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Barbado da Terceira male


This image was uploaded by mark and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:

Creative Commons Image Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/43789968@N05

At the time of upload the site http://www.flickr.com indicated this image was released under a CC licence. For details of the licence please see:


Creative Commons Image Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/asw909

At the time of upload the site http://www.flickr.com indicated this image was released under a CC licence. For details of the licence please see:


Canarian, CC BY-SA 4.0

This image was uploaded by harry and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:

Pleple2000, CC BY-SA 3.0

This image was uploaded by edward and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Owczarek portugalski gowa pl

This image was uploaded by kai and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Rafeiro male

Rui Teixeira, CC BY-SA 3.0

This image was uploaded by echoecho and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Droll Drop da Casa da Praia

Unless otherwise noted, map data is the copyright of OpenStreetMap contributors. This map data is available is under the Open Database License.

Wanwans strictly complies with copyright law. For more details see our copyright policy.