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The page ブラック・アンド・タンの犬種18 is copyright 2002-2025 Wanwans. All Rights Reserved.


The page ブラック・アンド・タンの犬種18 contains the following third party copyrights. Please contact the copyright holder directly if you would like to licence their works.

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Smaland Stovare att;Linathrash http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%A9p:Sm%C3%A1landi_kop%C3%B3.jpg

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Polish Hunting Dog att;Bartosz A. Senderek http://www.flickr.com/photos/bartoszsenderek/3127391711/sizes/z/in/photostream/

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Prague Ratter att;jumping lab http://www.flickr.com/photos/jumpinglab/2480817401/sizes/z/in/photostream/

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
transylvanian hound att;ArcheiaMuriel http://www.flickr.com/photos/candidmomentum/1394155155/sizes/z/in/photostream/

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Rottweiler att;BackyardBirderWa http://www.flickr.com/photos/backyardbirderwa/4695288936/sizes/z/in/photostream/

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
German Pinscher att;jojof http://www.flickr.com/photos/jojof/5154465774/sizes/z/in/photostream/

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Miniature Pinscher att;rengber http://www.flickr.com/photos/rengber/4492374868/sizes/z/in/photostream/

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Doberman Pinscher att;andrewk100 http://www.flickr.com/photos/andrewk100/2149724275/sizes/z/in/photostream/

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Dachshund att;BackyardBirderWa http://www.flickr.com/photos/backyardbirderwa/416794460/sizes/z/in/photostream/

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Jagdterrier att;lustrouspeacock http://media.photobucket.com/image/jagdterrier/lustrouspeacock/Jagdterrier.jpg?o=2

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Hovawart att;roxeteer http://www.flickr.com/photos/roxeteer/1314137954/sizes/z/in/photostream/

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
Beauceron att;akial http://www.flickr.com/photos/akial/5199239274/sizes/z/in/photostream/

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
manchester terrier att;Lek-Z http://media.photobucket.com/image/manchester%20terrier/Lek-Z/honjes/manchester_terrier.jpg?o=10

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
toy manchester terrier att;Saint Lazar http://www.flickr.com/photos/saintlazar/3959236421/sizes/z/in/photostream/

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
gordon setter att;Jakes_World http://www.flickr.com/photos/jakes_world/22242717/sizes/z/in/photostream/

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
black and tan coonhound att;Shames Privacy http://www.flickr.com/photos/shamesprivacy/2861852546/sizes/z/in/photostream/

This image was uploaded by wanwans and is that user's sole responsibility. The user provided the following description of the image:
New Zealand Huntaway att;kiwinz http://www.flickr.com/photos/kiwinz/3760009634/sizes/z/in/photostream/

Unless otherwise noted, map data is the copyright of OpenStreetMap contributors. This map data is available is under the Open Database License.

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